More than 80 per cent of ISC’s are women, often seeking an alternative to employed work, with a flexible opportunity to supplement household income. Many ISC’s experience circumstances that don’t allow for an employed position, but they are able to develop significant fulfillment, including financially, through their direct selling micro business. This particularly applies to rural communities, where employment opportunities are limited, and distances and family commitments are incompatible.
I joined Monat in 2021, primarily for product. The great thing about direct selling is that you don’t need a qualification and through your own effort you can drive the business as you want. I can still contribute to the family finances whilst undertaking all my ‘mum’ duties.
In May 2022, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and used social media to bring awareness to the illness and my treatment and also to the fact that I was still managing to earn an income through my direct selling business despite the circumstances.
Juice Plus+
I am 23 years old and have been with Juice Plus+ for 5 years. This has been a great opportunity to generate a double income and get further ahead. I spend about 10 hours a week on direct sales, sometimes more and sometimes less. It’s an attractive opportunity to be able to work around your life and family and I am very satisfied with the income from my direct selling business.
I really enjoy that the flexibility of my Juice Plus+ business allows me to carry on with work around the farm, and I have also now found a dream part-time job in marketing and sales with a different company which is a dream job. I got the job because of the marketing and other skills I learned in my direct sales business.
Lorraine Lea
I have been running my direct sales business for 9 years and started at the age of 55. I was the number one stylist in Lorraine Lea in 2021 and 2022.
I truly feel like I control what I earn. From my original goal of a few hundred dollars, I replaced the equivalent of my part time job within 6 months which has meant that I haven’t needed to touch my super.